Liste des contacts des services

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Question, feedback, request, suggestion : reach the right service !

Activités périscolaires Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Activités périscolaires Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 76 75
BE10 3100 9205 4504
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Coordination & Direction
Garderie Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Garderie Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE72 3100 8650 7316
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Natation (toutes les écoles)
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 70 46
BE77 3100 8642 2642

natation image

Registrations 2023-2024


Registration for the year 2023-2024 will open on :

- Tuesday 6 June 2023 for ESB team members**
- Tuesday 13 June 2023 for other swimmers.

Registration will be done via your parent account, as for the other services.

**ESB OCTOPUS registrations ** : In order to be able to register on this date, it is mandatory that the swimmer has been registered with the ESB Octopus team during the year 2022-2023 in order to be able to register for classes on this date. New" ESB swimmers will have to register at the same time as "other swimmers". If not, the registration will not be taken into account.

All informations on the "Enrolment section" of our website

Find out what's happening in the service : Swimming To all news


No ERM classes: Monday 29/04/2024

Due to the Belgian school holidays, the ERM swimming pool will be closed on Monday 29/04/2024.