Liste des contacts des services

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Question, feedback, request, suggestion : reach the right service !

Activités périscolaires Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Activités périscolaires Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 76 75
BE10 3100 9205 4504
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Coordination & Direction
Garderie Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Garderie Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE72 3100 8650 7316
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Natation (toutes les écoles)
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 70 46
BE77 3100 8642 2642








For the upcoming school vacations in summer 2024, ASBL De SI de LA is offering cultural workshops for children aged 2.5 to 11 on the following themes :

July 08 to 12 : Till the Mischievous
July 15 to 19 : The Aristochats
Location : The courses will take place at the Institut Montjoie section fondamentale, rue Montjoie, 30-32, 1180 Brussels.

On the program : Musical awakening, ensemble singing, storytelling, psychomotricity, arts and crafts, creative dance, small percussion orchestra, plastic arts, recording of workshop songs by the children, and the big comeback of our "Initiation au roulage à vélo" workshop, with a show on Friday at 4:00 pm.

For further information on registration, please visit our website.

Please note: registration is only valid if you pay for the course via the website!

We are of course at your disposal for any further information you may require, either by e-mail or by mobile phone on 0494 90 47 45.

Ellen & JM 

