Liste des contacts des services

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Activités périscolaires Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Activités périscolaires Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 76 75
BE10 3100 9205 4504
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Coordination & Direction
Garderie Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Garderie Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE72 3100 8650 7316
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Natation (toutes les écoles)
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 70 46
BE77 3100 8642 2642

School bus



In order to avoid any problems, it is imperative to inform the Transport Service of your future move at least 15 working days before the actual date of your move. This will allow the Transport Service to ensure that a seat is available on the bus that will be leaving your neighbourhood and to inform the drivers and supervisors concerned. It is possible to request a modification/creation of a new stop in the context of a move. The Transport Service will assess the possibility but is never obliged to approve the request (see point in the regulations concerning the creation of new stops). 
In the event of a move, parents are asked to change their address in their family account on the registration site.

One-off and permanent changes

As safety regulations limit the maximum number of passengers on the bus, pupils are only allowed to change routes punctually, regularly or permanently upon written request from their parents:

  • by means of an annotation in the pupil's diary and presented to the Transport Service office, which must stamp it for approval.
  • by sending an email followed by a positive response from the Transport Service.

These requests must be sent at least 48 hours in advance to the Transport Service office. The Transport Service will give its agreement within the limits of available places and in compliance with the terms & conditions.

Cancellation of the subscription

Any cancellation of the Transport subscription must be notified in writing to the Transport Service. The suspension of the subscription will begin on the day of receipt of this email. The bus card must also be handed in or returned to the Transport Service office as soon as possible.

If you have to pay for the transport fee and if you delete the transport subscription during the term, we will reimburse at the prorata of the remaining days .